Your vacation is a short time away, so you open the suitcases and start adding the things you think you might need. Does this sound familiar to you?
What if I said there was a much better way. And that way starts with a list. Stay with me here, don’t let that list word scare you away. Let me explain why making a list is so much easier than opening the suitcase and throwing things in.
A list allows you to plan out exactly what you need. You can start it well in advance of your vacation so you have time to really think about what you will use on the trip. By planning earlier you have more time to remember things that you might otherwise have forgotten.
By using a list you can start the vacation preparation without actually taking up space. This is especially useful if you are short on space or if you have animals in the house. I know that sometimes seeing suitcases will put your furry friends in panic mode so this will help alleviate the extra stress on them as well. And of course it helps keep those kitties out of the suitcase because that seems to be their favorite place to snuggle up in, am I right?
You can continually add to the list and know everything that you want to pack instead of packing things randomly as you think of them and then forgetting that you packed them. Plus if traveling with others, you and whoever you live with can add to the list so you aren’t repeating yourself and annoying your companion by asking if they packed this or that.
Another benefit is that you could potentially use the same list year after year if you take similar vacations or go to similar destinations.
In addition to the packing list you can make a “Things To Do Before We Leave” list as well. Items might include: reset the thermostat, stop the mail, unplug appliances that don’t need to be on when you are gone, water the plants, fill your prescriptions, etc.
So, before you start stuffing your suitcase with everything but the kitchen sink, remember the power of a good list. Happy travels, and may your suitcase always close on the first try! And of course, don’t forget the snacks!