‘When The Going Gets Tough, The Tough Go Shopping’


There are so many funny quotes about shopping but that one is a throwback to my childhood. Recently I read that the moment right before you buy something is when you are happiest with your purchase. I’m not sure if that theory can be proven to be true, but I find it to be a fascinating idea. I suppose it is why so many people find enjoyment with the act of shopping.

In order to best organize your home, you have to remove things that no longer serve you. And, to keep it organized, you have to limit the number of things that you bring into the house. This can be just as challenging as decluttering. When shopping, keep this happiness theory in mind to help understand your motivation for buying things. It may not apply for practical items, but it certainly applies for wants or the items we buy because we think they are “cute.” 

Giving yourself an extra minute or two to really think about the purchase will help you determine if the decision to buy the item is the best choice at that moment. I’ve compiled a list of questions to ask yourself before you purchase. Pick the ones that most resonate with you and what you are about to buy. If you are comfortable with the answers you give to yourself then go ahead and purchase the item. 

Click here: 10 Questions To Ask Yourself Before You Buy

Pro tip: Add the questions that you like the most to a note on your phone and review that note before you buy something that is not on your shopping list.