Do all those home improvement store ads with pictures of beautiful garage storage systems make you a little embarrassed about your own garage space? I know I have fallen victim to the comparison trap myself. The garages are well-lit and bright, they are drywalled and painted white, and they have clean floors and no tool is out of place. But, where in those ads are the snowblowers, lawn mowers, five gallon buckets, wheelbarrows, grilling and gardening gear.
For me, the purpose of a garage is to store items that we are using and things that we need for our home and yard. Can we make it pretty? Sure, we can, but we also don’t need to break the bank when it comes to this part of our house. If you want to invest in systems, then go for it.But there are also ways to make the space organized without spending thousands of dollars.
Here is my plan of action when it comes to garage organization:
Declutter like crazy. The garage is a perfect place for asking yourself if you have used the item in the last year. Anything you haven’t, take it out and donate/give away/throw away. If you are lucky enough to live on a busy street, put large items on the curb with a big “free sign.” Personally, I really get a kick out of seeing how fast it takes for someone to stop. Sometimes it is within minutes.
Take hazardous waste items that are no longer needed and dispose of them properly. Take out the trash and recycle those cardboard boxes.
Don’t let the fear of the “what if I need it again,” stop you from decluttering. Seriously, almost every household with a garage has the same items as you do. Ask your friends or neighbors to borrow a tool if you need it.
Once the decluttering is done, it is time to get things off the floor. Hang everything you can. If you have a pegboard then make use out of it, or install one if you like the look, or you could very simply pound in a nail to make a peg. Many tools have handles where you can attach a zip tie to make a loop for hanging the tool.
Look up. Do you have open vertical space? Use that space to install some simple shelves. If installing shelves is too much for you, look for secondhand bookcases or even filing cabinets. Shop your house for furniture that isn’t being used, shop the curbs, or shop second hand stores for budget friendly finds. Four drawer filing cabinets are often found at a minimal price at a second hand store and are fantastic for storing a variety of materials.
Use the rafters to store longer items or things that are not used often but you feel you still need. You can put up a piece of plywood to make additional space for smaller items. Remember though, don’t store anything too heavy over your head. You don’t want to knock yourself out while trying to get something down.
Purchase some simple rafter hooks to hang bicycles or other larger items.
And for the final touch, sweep the floor or blow it out with a leaf blower. Your garage will always look better with a clean floor.
By implementing these economical and cost-saving tips, you can create a well-organized space that is both functional and visually appealing. Remember to get your tools up off the floor and be diligent in decluttering items you no longer need. With a little creativity your garage will be transformed into an organized one which always makes life easier and more efficient.